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All About Pesach / Passover 5784-2024 at FTJC

Spring of parsley

FTJC is here for us with guidance and resources for a chag kasher vesame'ach, a kosher and joyful holiday. Our collective journey continues. Step by step, we'll get closer to that freer future that's over the horizon.

Quick links:
Second Night Community Seder
Pre-Pesach Prep
Selling Chametz
Kashering for Passover
Burning Chametz
Fast of the First-Born
Service Times and Locations
Community Picnic, Day 2
Rimonim Youth & Family Programs
Lighting Candles and Cooking for Shabbat and Yom Tov

Second Night Community Seder

Register now, by end of Wednesday April 17 at midnight.
Celebrate with community! FTJC and the Y of Washington Heights & Inwood are cosponsoring a joyful seder led by FTJC's Rabbi Guy Austrian, full of discussion, song, learning, and drama. We'll sit down at 8:00 PM and make Kiddush for the First Cup promptly at nightfall at 8:28 PM. Children are warmly welcome to stay as late as they can and can play in a play corner with books and toys provided. Dinner by a certified kosher caterer, with meat and vegetarian options, with no kitniyot. Open to all! $50.00 adult member, $55.00 adult nonmember, $25.00 children ages 4 to 12. Children under age 4, free. If cost is a hardship, please e-mail; subsidies are available. DEADLINE for reservation and payment: end of WEDNESDAY APRIL 17 at 11:59 PM. Unfortunately, no refunds are possible after this date.

Pre-Pesach Prep

Help Others to Afford Pesach — Ma’ot Chittin
Pesach can be expensive! That’s why our tradition includes the mitzvah of donating ma’ot chittin (literally, “wheat money”) to help Jews afford the basics. This year, the need is great. The Jewish Community of Washington Heights and Inwood helps to ensures that these needs are met. Donations are welcome via website or via Zelle/QuickPay to or via Venmo @jewishcommunitycouncil. Donations also welcome to the FTJC Rabbi's Discretionary Fund. If you need financial help yourself, please contact the JCC or e-mail Rabbi Austrian as soon as possible.

Get Rid of Your Chametz–Food Drive for JCC-WHI
Can’t eat all that pasta and cereal before Pesach? Give it away to the JCC-WHI food pantry, which serves the entire neighborhood. Donated food must have a hechsher (kosher symbol), be not opened, not expired, and not “junk food”! Drop it off at 121 Bennett Ave #11A @ W. 187th St.  The Fort Fridge at Fort Washington Ave. and 181st St. is another great place to give. 

Sell the Chametz Left Behind — Mechirat Chametz
Chametz should neither be seen in your home, business or vehicle, nor owned by you, during Pesach. Chametz includes not only wheat, but also spelt, rye, oats, and barley. In a case where getting rid of your chametz would cause you a substantial loss (e.g., your collections of small-batch bourbon and heirloom spelt flours, or all your year-round pots and pans), you can put it out of sight and out of reach, and authorize Rabbi Austrian to sell it on your behalf to a non-Jew, for the duration of Pesach. CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE AUTHORIZATION FORM — DEADLINE: end of Saturday April 20 at 11:59 PM.

Make Your Kitchen Kosher
Scrub, switch, boil, wash — the process of kashering a kitchen for Pesach can be exhaustive and exhausting, but it doesn't need to be. Approached with a sense of sacred avodah (work, or divine service), it can be a beautifully focused discipline, and achievable in a few hours. Just don’t leave it to the last minute!

Kashrut and cleaning guidelines are available in the Pesach Guide of the Rabbinical Assembly, as well as from Star-K and OU certification agencies.

Video tutorials: Two series of brief videos on kashering your kitchen for Pesach are available from the Rabbinical Assembly and from the Hadar Institute.

The "Minimalist's Guide to Passover and Seder" (updated 2021) by Rabbanit Leah Sarna may also be helpful in understanding what's essential, to save time and money.

Kitniyot: A Long Note about Small Things
Until recently, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative) upheld the longstanding Ashkenazi minhag (custom) of refraining from eating kitniyot (literally, “small things”) which include beans, corn, millet, peas, rice, soy, and some other plant-based foods such as mustard, buckwheat and sesame seeds. In Fall 2015 the CJLS approved two responsa (halachic opinions) which permit the consumption of kitniyot for Ashkenazim. To fully understand their positions, which differ in their reasons, please see here and here; to read the dissenting opinion see hereThe FTJC Second Night Community Seder and our communal spaces will continue to not include kitniyot. If you would like to discuss your own practice, feel free to contact Rabbi Austrian. We trust that our community members will speak with one another about this issue with utmost respect and kindness, not indulging in gossip or judgment.

Resources for Making a Seder
We are delighted to make available again the FTJC Siblinghood Cookbook full of easy and delicious Passover recipes; a compilation of links to online haggadahs, translations, transliterations, and common melodies. Two recent resources are A Different Pesach: Ideas for Solo and Small Sedarim, written by a team of innovative Jewish educators, as well as The Solo Seder

Find and Burn the Last Crumbs of Chametz — Bedikah and Bi’ur
Sunday night April 21 and Monday morning April 22

This blessing guide contains the procedures and blessings for finding, annulling, and burning the last crumbs of chametz in your house. See also this Bedikat Chametz FAQ.

Step One: Fun for kids and grownups of all ages! On Sunday night, April 21, “hide” and “find” a few last pieces of bread or other chametz in the house, by candlelight. Gather the crumbs safely in a sealed bag. The search is also a spiritual one, for the last bits of pride and oppression inside of you. Get ready to burn them up.

Step Two: On Monday morning, April 22, destroy the chametz you found. You can crumble and flush it (if it won't bust the pipes), burn it carefully in a metal sink, or put into the garbage (outside your apartment - ideally out of the building but at least in the building's communal garbage area). But preferably (and more dramatically) you can burn up your last crumbs (and the utensils used in the search) in a fire barrel behind the Hirsch Yeshiva on Bennett Ave. between W. 184 and W. 185. Either way, conclude by reciting the final nullification formula.

Step Three: The latest time for eating chametz is Monday April 22 at 10:08 AM. The latest time for removing or destroying any remaining chametz, and reciting the final nullification formula, is 11:31 AM (in Washington Heights and Inwood).

Fast or Feast for the First-Born
Siyyum for Ta’anit Bechorot
Monday April 22, 7:00 AM Shacharit, 7:45 AM Siyyum

Fellowship Hall and Atrium
Registration encouraged but not required, to help us provide the right amount of food.

Our Sages mark the horror of, and our deliverance from, the Plague of the Slaying of the First-Born, by prescribing a Fast of the First-Born (Ta’anit Bechorot) on the day before the first night of Pesach, from dawn until the Seder. This fast applies to adult Jews of all genders who are first-born (or only) children of any of their parents.

But we traditionally replace the fast with a se’udat mitzvah (ritual meal) in response to the siyyum (completion) of a substantial portion of Jewish text learning. To be exempt from the fast, join the community for morning prayers, a brief teaching by Rabbi Guy Austrian on Masechet Horayot of the Babylonian Talmud, and one last bagel & shmear.

You can bring your sealed bag of last chametz from your search of the night before, and we’ll make a group trip to the fire barrel on Bennett Ave. to burn it up!

Please register so that we know we will have a minyan and enough bagels to go around!

Prayer Services and Yizkor
Join us for festival prayers, complete with special Torah readings, joyful and song-filled Hallel, and once-a-year sacred poetry including Tal (the Prayer for Dew) and Shir ha-Shirim (Song of Songs). All services in our home at the Fort Wasington Collegiate Campus.

Shabbat Before Pesach – Saturday April 12, 9:00 AM
In addition to FTJC's usual Shabbat services, including Children's Services, Rabbi Guy Austrian will address the community on a topic relating to the halachot (pathways and practices) of Pesach.
Children's services: combined into two groups, regular times and formats.

Pesach Day 1, Sunday April 13, 9:00 AM
Featuring “Tal” (A Prayer for Dew) at Musaf — don’t miss this dramatic once-a-year prayer, in which initial letters fall from tav ת to aleph א, like dew descending from the divine, like redemption upon our people and our land.
Children's Services: combined into two groups, regular times and formats.

Pesach Day 2, Monday, April 14, 9:00 AM
with Hallel, Torah reading, and Musaf.
Children's Services: combined into two groups, regular times and formats.

Pesach Chol Hamo'ed
Thursday April 25 - no morning service.
Friday April 26 - no morning service.
Sunday April 28 - Shacharit, 8:00 AM.

Shabbat, Pesach Day 7, Saturday, April 19 9:00 AM
with Hallel, Torah reading, Musaf, and the once-a-year delight of the multi-gendered love poetry of Shir Hashirim (the Song of Songs).   GOES HERE???? Featuring “Shirat Ha-Yam,” the dramatic reading of the Song at the Sea. 
Children's services as on a typical Shabbat at 10:00 AM (for Nitzanim and Shorashim) and 10:45 (for Zeraim and Nevatim).

Pesach Day 8, Sunday April 20, 9:00 AM -- with Yizkor at about 10:45 AM
Remembering those who have left our world with Yizkor's psalms, readings and the liturgy of mourning. Donations in honor of Yizkor may be made to FTJC by clicking here.
Children's services as on a typical Shabbat 10:00 AM (for Nitzanim and Shorashim, K-5th) and 10:45 (for Zeraim and Nevatim, 0-4).

Community Picnic, Passover Day 2

Wednesday April 24, 12:30-2:00 PM
Cafe Lawn, Fort Tryon Park
Weather permitting. No registration required. Please bring your own K for P food! We hope for a lovely, informal time to be together in the sun.

Rimonim Youth & Family Programs

Pesach in the Garden
Sunday April 21, Time TBD

Community Garden
Join us for an afternoon of Pesach themed games and movement activities with Dani Apple. We will also have the opportunity to learn about and enjoy the Community Garden. Aimed at children in Kindergarten to 5th grade, but all ages are welcome!

See also, Pesach-themed Children's Services during the mornings of Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed and Days 7 and 8.

Lighting Candles and Cooking for Shabbat and Yom Tov

Day 1 of Pesach begins with a Monday night First Seder, into the daytime of Tuesday. Day 2 begins with a Tuesday night Second Seder, into the daytime of Wednesday. To light candles for Day 2, we do not light a new flame (or extinguish one), but we can transfer an existing flame.

Candle-lighting time on Monday evening is 7:26 PM, 18 minutes before sunset. Before Yom Tov begins, prepare a long-burning flame (such as a 25-hour candle or a pilot light on a gas stove), then light two candles as usual, and bless "...lehadlik ner shel yom tov" and "shehechiyanu." 

To keep the first Yom Tov a day of celebration, we try to set up for the Second Seder as much as possible beforehand. Other preparations ideally wait until after plag haminchah on Tuesday afternoon (6:19 PM).

For Day 2 on Tuesday night, candle-lighting time is 8:27 PM, nightfall. Transfer fire from the existing flame, using a match or stick. Then light two candles and bless "...lehadlik ner shel yom tov" and "shehechiyanu." Do not extinguish the match or stick but let it go out on a tray.

Day 7, Yom Tov, begins on a Sunday night into Monday, followed by Day 8 which is Monday night into Tuesday. Candle-lighting time for Day 7 on Sunday evening is 7:32 PM, 18 minutes before sunset. Before the holiday begins, prepare a long-burning flame (such as a 25-hour candle or a pilot light on a gas stove), then light two candles as usual, and bless "...lehadlik ner shel yom tov."

For Day 8 on Monday night, candle-lighting time is 8:33 PM, nightfall. Transfer fire from the existing flame, using a match or stick. If your custom is to light a memorial candle for Yizkor, which will be recited on Tuesday morning at shul, first light that candle. Then light two candles as usual and bless "...lehadlik ner shel yom tov." Do not extinguish the match or stick but let it go out on a tray. Havdalah at 8:37 PM brings the conclusion of the holiday, recited over wine or grape juice with the blessings "borei peri hagafen" and "hamavdil" only (no spices or candle).

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785