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Membership Commitment


Thank you for committing to membership in the FTJC community for 5785 (2024-2025). With your personal commitment of membership, FTJC will be able to continue serving as vital part of the fabric of the Upper Manhattan Jewish community and the broader Washington Heights and Inwood neighborhoods.

This year, FTJC has a goal of raising $162,500 in membership contributions, 50% of our overall budgetary needs.

To make your membership contribution online use the form below. To pay by check, make the check out to the Fort Tryon Jewish Center and mail it to the address below. Additionally, please email to notify us that a check is in the mail. 

Fort Tryon Jewish Center
729 West 181st Street
New York, NY 10033

If you have any questions regarding new or renewal membership, please email

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Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785