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FTJC's Daily Minyan

FTJC's daily minyan is here for all of us to pray, get grounded, and get connected. We'll keep adjusting and improving it with time and experience. May it long endure, with everyone's support!

The daily minyan currently meets in the Fellowship Hall at the Fort Washington Collegiate Campus at the following times:

  • Sundays, 8:00 AM
  • Mondays, 7:00 AM
  • Thursdays 7:00 AM (On hiatus currently, will be back in Fall 2024!)
  • Fridays 7:30 AM

Please enter the building through the 181st St entrance located at 729 W. 181st St. 

The day before minyan, our daily gabbai (coordinator) reaches out to members of our community to ensure that we will have enough people in attendance to make a minyan. If we don’t have enough people, we cancel minyan in advance. 

If you’re planning to come to minyan, please check this page during the afternoon and evening beforehand for the latest updates on whether minyan is happening. 

Vaccinations are required for all attendees who are eligible. Community Covenant: please see here for more on our Covid safety precautions at all FTJC services.

Other smaller services include Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Minchah/Ma'ariv (see calendar for precise times each week).

Want more orientation to weekday services? Please download this orientation guide; copies are also available at services.

For questions about these services, please email For questions about our Covid safety precautions, please email

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784