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Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah

etrogs in rows

Community Sukkah

The FTJC Sukkah will be at the Fort Washington Collegiate Campus, accessed via the back gate on Magaw Place.

Sukkah hours this year are 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Bathrooms are available when the building is open.

There is no signup or scheduling for meals, just show up, be friendly, be considerate of those waiting, and be patient if necessary! It is also possible to make kiddush and hamotzi inside the Sukkah and then move to the garden lawn.

Please **clean up** and leave no trace, so we don't have skunks as ushpizin (guests)! No smoking; alcohol for making kiddush only. Please keep noise down in the evening, as the Sukkah stands next to an apartment building full of our neighbors.

Lulav and Etrog Orders
Deadline for pre-ordering via this form: Thursday October 10 at 11:59 PM.
Pickups: Wednesday October 16, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
 in the FWCC garden during sukkah construction. Please ask a friend to pick it up for you if you can't be there yourself at that time. We will not be able to hold it for you later or elsewhere.

Sukkah Construction
Wednesday October 16, 9:00 AM
Fort Washington Collegiate Campus
Come by for a fun community gathering as we build and decorate our Sukkah. Lulav and etrog pickups will also be here at the same time and place.

Rimonim (Youth & Family) Programs

Sukkah Crafts & Decorations
Monday October 14, 4 PM

Fort Washington Collegiate Campus
Join us in making paper chains, lanterns, and other crafts to decorate our community sukkah! All ages welcome.

Rimonim Sunday Funday in the Sukkah
Sunday October 20, 1 PM Board Games; 3 PM Games and Movement with Dani
Rimonim on the Sunday of Chol Hamoed has a great afternoon of fun planned in the Sukkah! Students in Shorashim (3rd - 5th grade) and Anafim (middle and high school) can drop by between 1 and 4 for board games. For Zeraim, Nevatim, and Nitzanim (Ages 0 - 2nd grade), Dani Apple will be leading Sukkot-themed games and movement activities at 3 PM. For everyone: snacks! Contact with any questions.

Simchat Torah Night!
Thursday October 24
5:45 PM - Minchah and "Torah Tour" for Children and Grownups
6:45 PM - Ma'ariv and Hakafot

We celebrate the conclusion of the annual Torah reading cycle with dancing, singing, and fun -- sweets for children included.

Schedule of Services

Candle-lighting and Havdalah times (for Washington Heights and Inwood) may be found on the FTJC calendar.

Sukkot Day 1
Thursday October 17, 9:00 AM

Children’s Services 
from 10:45 AM, ad hoc and parent-led if enough children are present.

Sukkot Day 2
Friday October 18, 9:00 AM

Children’s Services from 10:45 AM, ad hoc and parent-led if enough children are present.

Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Sukkot - with Kohelet.
Saturday October 19, 9:00 AM

Includes the reading of the megillah Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), a moving meditation on the dilemmas of leading a good and holy life.
Children’s Services from 10:45 AM, age groups will be combined.

Sukkot Day 4 (Chol Hamo'ed)
Sunday October 20, 8:00 AM 
Children’s Services: None

Sukkot Day 5 (Chol Hamo'ed)
Monday October 21, 7:00 AM 
Children’s Services: None

Hoshanah Rabbah (Day 7)
Wednesday October 23, 7:00 AM
Hoshanah Rabbah marks the seventh day of the Sukkot festival. We use our lulav and etrog for the last time in hakafot (processionals) and then beat the aravot (willows) against the ground to symbolize the elimination of sin from our lives.

Children’s Services: None

Shemini Atzeret – with Yizkor and Geshem
Thursday October 24, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Yizkor at about 10:30 AM. Donations in honor of Yizkor may be made to FTJC by 
clicking here. L
eading into Yizkor, we will spend a few minutes with readings and silence to commemorate the anniversary of the October 7 massacres and our experience of learning about it in shul on that day, one year ago.

Children’s Services: 10 AM to 11:30 AM

Shemini Atzeret: Listening Circle on October 7 and War
Thursday October 24, 12:00-12:50 PM

North Room
Following services, community members are invited to regroup and reflect, sharing their emotions and perspectives. This session will not be a debate or discussion, but simply an opportunity to listen and be listened to in community. Rabbi Guy will facilitate.

Simchat Torah Night!
Thursday October 24
5:45 PM - Minchah and "Torah Tour" for Children and Grownups
6:45 PM - Ma'ariv and Hakafot

We celebrate the conclusion of the annual Torah reading cycle with dancing, singing, and fun -- sweets for children included. One hakafah (round of dancing, out of seven) will be slower and more somber in acknowledgment of the October 7 massacres which fell on Simchat Torah in Israel, as well as the ongoing war and hostage crisis.

Simchat Torah Morning
Friday October 25, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
The Simchat Torah celebration continues, as we we sing Hallel, read Vezot Haberachah, the last parashah of the Torah, and then start over with the creation story of Bereishit. We'll also honor several members for outstanding service to the community during the past year. 
One hakafah (round of dancing, out of seven) will be slower and more somber in acknowledgment of the October 7 massacres which fell on Simchat Torah in Israel, as well as the ongoing war and hostage crisis.
Children’s services – None. Bring the kids for general merriment and for their collective "kol hane'arim" aliyah. 
Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785