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Diana Charlop, Operations Manager

headshot of Diya Moushahwar with glasses, smiling, in front of bookshelves

Diana (pronouns: she/her) is a New York native, born and raised in Great Neck, where she grew up participating in her Jewish community, particularly through her love of singing and music. After returning from Vanderbilt University with double majors in Vocal Performance and Medicine Health and Society, Diana has built expertise in operations and administration, both for Jewish organizations such as Beloved Brooklyn and for musical arts non-profits. Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate in School-Community Psychology at Hofstra University. In her free time, Diana loves running, yoga, hiking, and opera.

Diana can be reached by e-mail at

Reyzl Geselowitz, Director of Youth and Family Learning

headshot of Reyzl Geslowitz, with headband and earrings, with trees in background

Reyzl leads all our educational efforts within Rimonim: A Family Learning Community at FTJC. These include Shabbat mornings, holidays, and the Rimonim Torah School. Reyzl comes to Rimonim from the world of Jewish day school education, having taught Jewish studies for 10 years at the Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan. She holds two Master’s degrees in Jewish Studies and Jewish Education from New York University, and was a Wexner Fellow and Davidson Scholar. She also studied in the Beit Midrash program at the Drisha Institute of Jewish Education. Her BA is in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University. Reyzl’s diverse teaching experience includes serving on staff at Ramah Day Camp in Nyack, NY, as well as Beth El Temple Center in Belmont, MA, and the Drisha Summer High School Program. Reyzl and her family have been active members of FTJC since 2011. She lives in Washington Heights with her husband Michael and three children.  She can be reached by e-mail at


Hezzy Segal, Rimonim Torah School Shorashim Educator

 Hezzy Segal (he/him)  is originally from Minnesota and is currently a student at The Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University studying Talmud and Computer Science. He is passionate about Torah and bringing it to young people, having taught at Ansche Chesed and Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley, and served as a counselor at Ramah in the Rockies. In his free time, Hezzy enjoys biking, hiking skiing and learning. He is excited to get to know the Fort Tryon  community! 







Mira Kux, Rimonim Torah School Nitzanim Educator

 Mira Kux (she/her) is the Rimonim K-2 educator. Originally from   Maryland, Mira is currently a 3rd year in the dual BA program   between Tel Aviv University and Columbia University majoring in   Middle Eastern Studies and minoring in Hebrew and Jewish   Studies. She has worked in Torah schools and Jewish summer   camps for the past few years in addition to working as an English   tutor for non-native speakers and high school Literature tutor.  In   her free time Mira likes to hike, play piano, and spend time with   friends.



Dani Apple, Hebrew Partners Online Tutor and Movement Educator

Dani Apple (she/her) is our primary tutor for the Hebrew component of our Rimonim Torah School. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, has made a home in the Big Apple! In addition to the FTJC family, she has been a religious school teacher with Town & Village Synagogue, West End Synagogue, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, and B'nai Jeshurun here in NYC. Dani holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from The Boston Conservatory at Berklee, so lots of music, comedy games, and movement activities are always a go when Dani is teaching!





Liora Finkel, Shabbat Morning Shorashim (3rd-5th Gr) Educator

Liora (she/her) is an experienced educator who specializes in Jewish studies and experiential learning. She has a Bachelor's in Religion Studies from Muhlenberg College and a Certificate in Jewish Studies from the Pardes Institute. She is currently pursuing a
Master's in Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Previously, Liora was a Religious School Teacher at Kadima@BJ (NYC) and Temple Beth El (Allentown, PA) and served in various roles at Ramah Nyack, including as a teacher and Curriculum
Development Intern.







Noa Rubin, Shabbat Morning Nitzanim (K - 2nd grade) Educator

Noa (she/her) is originally from LA and moved to NYC in 2016 to attend Barnard and List College, where she studied Sociology and Talmud. Noa has worked at Ramah Ojai and Israel, numerous Hebrew schools across the city, as a B'nai Mitzvah tutor, FTJC Shabbat mornings, and lots more. She is currently in Rabbinical school at JTS and interning at NYU Hillel. Noa is entering her fifth year of living in the Heights and when she's not working or at school, she can be found working on her goal of petting every dog in the neighborhood.


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785